Many fruit lovers around the world has experienced dragon fruit benefits. Native to southern and central America, today the fruit has grown so much in popularity […]
It’s green, it’s healthy, and it’s a popular exotic fruit. Introducing the King of Superfoods – Avocado! This leathery on the outside, buttery on the inside […]
Indonesia has been an avid mango exporter, especially in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been a rigorous journey for the country. There are local […]
Have you ever been bored with the same fruits you are eating every day? The same orange juice, strawberry smoothie, banana pancake? You need new kinds […]
As part of what is a so-called superfood, avocado has gained popularity since the late ’90s. It is rich in monosaturated fat, fiber, folate, vitamins, and […]
Kedondong (Spondias Dulcis) is an exotic fruit that originated from the United States heartland, Middle America. It is also cultivated in Asia Pacific countries, including Indonesia. […]